How Burt County played a role in the development and expansion of the JCPenney Company

Do you remember the Tekamah JCPenney store? It was located next to the former city cafe downtown on 13th street. It opened for business in 1929 and closed 1987. The first store manager was named Clyde Lindsay Huitt and the last store manager was Sandra Winkelman.
On Thursday, September 12, a program was held during the museum’s annual meeting featuring guests reading memoirs from Carl and Roy Malmsten. – Click here to read entire story of program published in Burt County Plaindealer
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“Burt natives anchor new museum display”
Former JCPenney associate Karen Jackson installed a JCPenney exhibit at the Burt County Museum that was on display from June 11 through Sept. 14. In recent research she discovered these photos in files after the closing of the Fremont, Neb., store. She was excited to learn they are Burt County native sons, and their father was a former Burt County Clerk.