
The E.C. Houston House is listed on the National and State Registry of Historic places. This 1904 14-room home incorporates Neo-Classical Revival details in its porches, door and window openings, leaded-glass windows and cornices. Adding to the beautiful woodwork and grand stature are artifacts that have been gathered from the Burt County area...

Explore E.C. Houston House

The C.D. Houston house, also known as the Museum East House, is located east of the E.C. Houston House. With its beautiful woodwork and hardwood floors, this 1907-08 home becomes the setting of special displays. Exhibits in the Pioneer Gallery include a sodbusting plow, a blacksmith display, and many artifacts used by early settlers of the area. Two rooms of the East House are devoted to military artifacts...

Explore C.D. (East House)

The relocated 1903 District #57 (Nolana) schoolhouse features the charm and traditional setting of a "one room" schoolhouse. It is equipped with slate chalkboards, wooden desks with ink wells, recitation bench, and many other articles from days gone by. This classroom setting may rekindle some memories or create a greater understanding of the learning environment and its transitions...

Schoolhouse Tour

In the late 1960's, the historic bridge (1910) was moved from Folsom Park (located behind the school) in Tekamah to a lodge in Missouri for 30 years. People with fond memories of the bridge raised funds to return it to Tekamah. It now adds a historic connection between the Houston brothers' homes on the museum grounds. Visitors may enjoy the goldfish pond, a tumbling waterfall, and a wide variety of plants and shrubbery...

Take a Stroll

Professional Memberships

Members of Nebraska History 

Members of the Nebraska Museum Association

Members of the American Association for State and Local History (AASLH)